Cable & Accessories - Prodeso Heat Grip 5

A constant power electric heating cable to be embedded between the reliefs of PRODESO. HEAT GRIP 5 / STICK Membrane. 

150mm Cable Installation Roller - Aluminium

1m Cable Kit with 10 lugs

Proecofon Adhesive Tape

Heat Grip 5 Cable
Length (m) 12.07M, 17.66M, 29.87M, 35.97M, 41.56M, 47.67M, 53.77M, 58.87M, 71.57M
Prodeso Heat Grip Cable - Data Sheet Prodeso Heat Grip Cable - Data Sheet
Proband BU - Data Sheet Proband BU - Data Sheet
Proband 150 and Proband Koll - Data Sheet Proband 150 and Proband Koll - Data Sheet

The cable distance can be 6.2m(Heated Surface Wall) or 9.3 cm (Heated Surface Floor).

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